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Contact us here to set up a free consultation to assess your personal situation and plan a solution that can reduce the amount of electricity that you take from the grid, capture new revenue streams and improve sustainability.
Victorian Electricity Retail Licence
Acacia Energy was granted a Victorian Electricity Retail Licence by the Essential Services Commission on 16th December 2020. This licence allows Acacia Energy to act as the electricity retailer to Victorian customers who use more than 160MWh of electricity per annum.
Australian Energy Regulator (AER) Electricity Retailer Authorisation
Acacia Energy has applied to the AER for an Electricity Retailer Authorisation. When granted this will allow Acacia Energy to act as the electricity retailer for Large customers in ACT, NSW, QLD, SA and TAS. The consumption threshold that defines a Large customer in each of these jurisdictions is different.
Market Customer
This registration allows Acacia Energy to act as the electricity retailer, buying electricity from the AEMO wholesale spot market, or through energy trading, and selling it to a customer.
Small Generation Aggregator
This registration allows Acacia Energy to aggregate a portfolio of small generating units and sell the generated electricity to AEMO at the wholesale spot market.
Demand Response Service
Provider Acacia Energy is seeking registration in this category. This will allow Acacia Energy to aggregate small assets into a portfolio and use this portfolio to provide FCAS Services
Acacia Energy is a Special Purpose Member of Austraclear which allows us to financially settle trades with AEMO associated with the sale and purchase of electricity in the wholesale spot market and the FCAS market
Acacia Energy believes in a detailed consultative approach with our clients. We pride ourselves on providing the very best tailored solution that resolves your most important renewable energy needs, and it all starts with a conversation.