
The Optimised Bid Engine Platform

Acacia Energy’s Optimisation and Bid Engine (OBE) Platform is a proprietary, cloud-based platform that works to minimise the cost of energy for a customer’s site through real-time optimised management of onsite energy assets, including:

· Flexible Load,

· Intermittent renewable based energy generation such as Solar PV,

· Energy Storage Systems, such as Batteries, EV Chargers (including Vehicle to Grid Systems), or Thermal Energy Storage Systems,

· The cost of grid imported energy on fixed or floating price retail contracts,

· The value of grid export on fixed or floating price contracts and,

· The additional revenue that can be earned through participation in demand response schemes such as Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader and Frequency Control Ancillary Service

The cloud-based platform determines the optimum operation of the customer’s energy assets every 5 minutes and communicates securely with an onsite controller that orchestrates the response of the renewable energy solution components.

Acacia Energy's Renewable Technology

At Acacia Energy, we believe the that ‘net zero’ is not enough. Our mission is to go ‘beyond net zero’ by embracing Australia’s’ renewable powerhouse capability.

We provide tailored solutions utilising proven and emerging technology to maximise our clients’ benefits when transitioning to renewable energy and reducing reliance on the strained electricity grid. We only source solutions from leaders in renewable technology, both local and global, that have a demonstrated commitment and track record here in Australia.

Acacia Energy’s renewable solutions use the best technology that is tailored to suit a client’s need, not the other way around. Our strategic partnerships ensure our clients receive the best possible solutions. Our engineering, procurement & construction  partner, AEES Group, collaborate with us and our clients to implement reliable solutions that deliver environmentally, financially, and socially responsible projects in the renewable energy space.

Let’s understand your sustainable project

Acacia Energy believes in a detailed consultative approach with our clients. We pride ourselves on providing the very best tailored solution that resolves your most important renewable energy needs, and it all starts with a conversation.